The faithful onthel-bicycle along the old town, Oud Batavia

Bicycle still prevail until the early years of 1980 and since the presence of a new type of bike is more lightweight, compact, higher and stylish, this bike is slowly disappeared from the streets of major cities and forgotten by the wearer. This type bike can only be found later in rural areas.

Old city of Jakarta, Oud Batavia apparently never forget this kind of bike, very easy to see the onthel-bicycle in an area of 1.3 square kilometers that had developed after Fatahillah

Groups of tourists who love all things nostalgic smell of European flavoured in the past and the atmosphere of the old town, including riding an onthel-bicycle and explore up to the corners of all ancient buildings across the region to the exotic Port of Sunda Kelapa.
Cycling always brought a different atmosphere in this modern era.
(Various sources /Image Prima Widi Hatmi)
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