The St Basil Moscow and the Nurumi Candisari Yogyakarta

We can certainly see how the first in the reign of the Netherlands in the old town of Jakarta, Oud Batavia in 1710 a Stadhuis - City Hall building which is very similar to the buildings in the Netherlands, the Paleis op de Dam, the City Hall of Amsterdam and the City Hall buildings of Postdam in Germany.
Church of St. Basil with four colored towers signify the four directions of the compass on the edge of Red Square, a colorful domed building. The church was designed by an Italian architect. Red Square or in Russian is called Krasnaya Plosyad which means the beautiful field. This lovely square comes after the erection of the Church of St. Basil, decorated with colorful dome as a symbol of Russian victory over Tatar occupation during a 300-year, when King Ivan III came to power.
Stroll in the summer in the Russian capital (built in 1147) can also inspire the tourists, the area around the Kremlin - Red Square in Moscow River, giving the charm for tourists from around the world. Throughout the day until nightfall, Red Square was never empty of visitors, tourists take pictures from different angles, all the even celebrities and important people who visited Moscow must visit the Red Square.

Of course we can’t compare these two buildings, although they are similar. Church of St. Basil is a spectacular and vast building, while the mosque just has a limited field inside and the capacity is not too large. Its unique architecture with colorful domes that’s why then the residents also called the Candy Mosque.
The passer-by along the road between Yogyakarta - Solo, Central Java, immediately turned toward the building of mosques, places of worship at once attracted much attention of people passing, because the shape and vibrant colors, unlike the usual mosque. Of course, the pulpit in the mosque following the typical traditional pulpit of Javanese and often used as a religious meeting hall in the local population there.
Architecture in many places in the world has always affect each other and be a source of inspiration elsewhere.
(Various sources /Image CC and N. Laksmi)
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