The softness white sands beach of Billiton Island

Besides the natural beauty and beaches, something interesting when following the past history of the tin mining on the island, as well as scented atmosphere of Chinese culture by building temples (they said it ‘kelenteng’) at several places.

Travel options immediately available, fishing, diving, or just want to swim at the beach, enjoy a walk in a quiet city and no highway traffic jam away as seen on the big city. The quiet town and we will never worry about when to be there, local residents will soon help.
Belitung became famous tourist sites after the region became one of the objects in a film "Warriors of the Rainbow" (Laskar Pelangi), thus opening the eyes of the public how the natural beauty there, like a piece of heaven on earth.

Travel tips to Bangka-Belitung:
1. Transportation
a. Aircraft Jakarta - Tanjung Pandan Rp 400.000,- - Rp 500.000,- (46,64 – 58,3 USD)
b. Airport car rental from Rp 300,000, - per day (34,98 USD) (When you come in a group)
c. From Tanjung Pandan rental motorcycles Rp 100,000, - per day (11,66 USD)
d. Public Transportation Rp 30.000, - (3.5 USD)
e. There is no regular public transportation to locations
f. When you come to the Billiton advised the morning time, stay and return to Jakarta afternoon
2. Lodging
a. Berahu Hill (Bukit Berahu) - with the quiet atmosphere of the beach cottages overlooking the beach
b. Hostel
c. Another options of lodging, ask the tour guide

a. Berahu Hill - with the natural scenery and beaches, snorkeling and diving
b. Tanjung Kelayang (Kelayang Cape) - 10 minutes from Berahu Hill, along the 1.5 kilometer beach, waves, the clear and transparent sea water, the ocean floor in plain sight, huge granite boulders around the beach
c. Garuda Stone (Batu Garuda) - large stones resembling an eagle's head
d. Cape Coast High (Pantai Tanjung Tinggi) - giant granite boulders menhir shape of the megalithic era resembles the shape of dolphin fish. Location on the beach was once the location of the filming of "Warriors of the Rainbow"
e. Penyusuk Coast (Pantai Penyusuk) - north of the island of Bangka, snorkeling, diving and sunset
f. Lengkuas Island – their unique lighthouse built in 1882 by the Dutch government with exotic beach, located in northern village of Tanjung Binga (Binga Cape), Belitung - click here the related article
4. Boat rental
a. Boat rental at the beach locations Kelayang Cape and the Cape Coast High to get to the fishing location in the middle of the sea or to the location of the dive - Rp 350.000, - per 10 persons (40,81 USD)
5. Culinary
a. Ganggan - local cuisine made from fish, try ganggan ketarap tastes very good
b. Durian season - during certain months, from February to May, the price is only Rp 5,000, - (0,58 USD)
c. Grill fish with spicy sauce and other seafood options available
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(Various sources from friends of Masyarakat Peduli Pariwisata Indonesia and Kompas / Image Debora Sylvia Roseny, Afian Affandi)
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