Tablet-PC Tips for the Travellers

Tablets have now adopted the Android operating system 3.0 (Honeycomb) as well as tablets Playbook with RIM's BlackBerry operating system and HP tablet with WebOS operating system, certainly need to be carefully observed its use.
Tablet Characteristics:
1. The tablet is a different gadget than your PC or Laptop/Notebook
a. Tablets have the strength in internet surfing, e-mail, read e-book or some simple task
b. Options are limited because there are no drivers, peripherals are not compatible even though the equipment may have a USB port
c. Tablets do not work with HSDPA or DVD writer, so the laptop / notebook is more recommended!

a. 5 inch - Dell Streak
b. 7 inch - Samsung Galaxy, HTC Flyer, Dell Streak 7, the Asus Eee Memo Pad, BlackBerry Playbook
c. 8.9-inch - Samsung Galaxy 8.9, Optimus Pad
d. 9.7 inch - Ipod iPad2, HP Touch Pad
e. 10.1 inch - 10.1 Samsung Galaxy, Transformer Pad Asus Eee, Acer Iconia Tab A500, Asus Eee Pad Slider, Motorola Xoom, Toshiba AS 100
3. Tablet-PC Features
a. Operating System Platform - Windows is flexible to upgrade to a higher version
b. Options with other platforms difficult /can not
c. With the open-source Android has a microSD slot, full-sized USB port, HDMI output-CRO
d. Asus product has a free 3D glasses screen on the Eee Pad and Memo Pad keyboard with Eee Transformer Pad and Slider
4. Travel Preparation

b. Do not load unnecessary equipment into the carrying case, which related only as the main battery and any spare batteries
c. Keep it away from the bag the following items, such as paper clips, pens, paper, shaving cream, colognes, perfumes or food
d. Avoid excessive sunlight, dirt, dust or liquids
e. Do not place in the travel baggage
f. International travel, bring a carry proof of ownership or merchandise passport. Please read carefully the rules in the destination country
g. Note the type of electrical outlets and appropriate AC Power adapters in the destination country
h. Do not passed through the X-ray machine or metal detector
i. Do not turn on the tablet-PC or place it in hibernation for airplane takeoff and landing
In the end, not only preparation of gadgets that need to carry equipment, all travel components must also be considered. Don't we wish it lasted the journey safe and comfortable?
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(Various sources Kompas,, / Image CC)
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