The tempting bread of Mandarijn Orion Solo

The flurry of city residents with various passing vehicles activities, the air is hot and somewhat humid, but the town does not describe the typical big city residents, the atmosphere is a little slow, the vehicles moving to and fro, but did not seem busy, even the rickshaws can still be found, transport vehicles like this are no longer in Jakarta.

Visiting the city of Solo without bringing Mandarijn Orion cakes as a souvenir certainly feels less complete, of course it feels good, so that makes anyone who has ever tried it arises a sense of addiction.

Entering the store looks a row of cakes on display at the top, pastries or cookies in a jar and snack cakes and others available. While the Mandarijn Orion cakes consists of Regular Mandarijn Orion, Raisins Mandarijn Orion and Specials Mandarijn Orion. Specials Mandarijn Orion has more butter, more tender than others.
The city of Solo is always tempting flavors, ranging from traditional Javanese culinary liwet rice, timlo rice, warm rice claws (nasi gudeg cakar), pecel and more, not to mention the typical drink in this town like a warm drink with sticky rice (wedang asle), wedang dawet gempol pleret, mix flour rice and brown sugar, many more.....
Not be complete if only one or two days in this city, museums and a very complete range of batik, textiles and fashion, the unique Surakarta Palace and Mangkunegaran Palace, ancient architecture and historical heritage, the cultural atmosphere of the enchanting Java, tempting to go back to town this.
(Various sources /Image CC and M. Atik)
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