The Cheapest Countries for the Backpacker

Backpacking is one economical way to vacation

Boatman of Srinagar, India

Maybe you are someone who likes and travel with low cost, or more emphasize cost-effective. Of course the way traveled fairly common and preferred by most tourists from all corners of the world.

Have the opportunity to visit various places in the world with cost-effective.

Something that might not be forgotten is to find new friends, meet local people who do not understand your language, lost in a beautiful place, or even apply for a job because it ran out of money to return to the country of origin.

Street of Bangkok

Once again backpacking always synonymous with adventure.

How do you feel to know that a few countries in the world have a friendly environment for the backpacker. Enjoy the beautiful scenery without having to spend a lot of expense, the following excerpt from the Studentuniverse website.

1. Nepal
2. Thailand
3. India
4. Sri Lanka
5. Indonesia

Despite the above list indicates that there are many more countries in the world that is worth mentioning as a country with cheaper travel, of course, through information traveling fellow backpackers in the world.

(Source M Wahyuningsih - CNN Indonesia, Studentuniverse /Images A Alana, N Gurning)


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