5 Myths of Italian Food

Which is still believed by many people around the world

Pizza in Palazzo Mora, Venice

Pizza and pasta, so people regard as the only Italian food, but we'll get a lot of other types of food that is able to make you tempted.

But. Let us put aside, because this article will write some of the many misconceptions about Italian food. Regardless if you imagine the delicious Beetato Pepperoni Pizza, hmm ... It is tempting!

Citing an article in a food site, Chéf Marou from Alto Vino Italian restaurant in Bengaluru Mariott Hotel, excerpts from the news of the site food.ndtv.com on August 24, 2016 ago, revealed some interesting facts.

1. The Italian food is bland. Please do not compare it with food from other countries, for example India. Italian food is different in the seasoning, you will taste the tomato in the original flavor of the fresh ingredients are used.

2. Italian food just pasta and pizza. At first you believe, as you soon find another, such as brasato, gnocchi, fritti, and risotto. Italian food has always been rooted in the culture of their origin. That's what makes it unique.

Pasta in Rome

3. Italian dishes always wear cream. Well, you need to know further, that the cream is a rare material that is hardly used in Italian cuisine. There may be a white sauce made of cheese and milk. That's the basic ingredients of healthy, right?

4. Pasta seemed undercooked. It occurs in people who are not familiar with the 'al dente' and called pasta served not overcooked. The reality is al dente made of chewy pasta with a bit of crunchy texture makes it easy to digest, it is also a healthy choice.

5. Wash pasta properly. Italian food is different in the process, because pasta should not be washed because when washed all the starch and healthy nutrients will be lost. Another way is to choose a good brand of pasta that does not need to be rinsed.

Culinary tourist destinations of each region in various countries always has its own characteristics, as happens with Italian food. Further understanding will certainly make pizza, pasta, risotto and other dishes will be more meaningful for the audience.

(Source A Trimirasti - detikFood, food.ndtv.com /Images R Mailisa, M Paath Djojonegoro)


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