Choosing Traveling in a Package Tours or Solo
Which is better, whether traveling alone or join a tour?
Tourists in Stockholm
Solo traveling can make you feel so sexy, it's exciting choice for certain ages, especially for the young age, and the temptation was more and more, when someday you are present at an exhibition tour.
When you wake up in the morning, you read the news about the travel exhibition in your city, you want to come to find out more. Believe me, the day you will get a lot of temptation to discount and promo tours to various great travel destination.
The sheets of bonuses and deals with a variety of features tourist attractions, and you're so tempted. Now you can ask, and came to a choice, whichever you prefer to tour, in package tours or solo traveling?
Some of the notes I get from a travel site, Kompas Travel, about the costs and benefits of solo travel or together in package tours.
1. Preparation of solo traveling. You are required to prepare everything by yourselves, for example itinerary, airline tickets up to places for lodging.
2. At the location. You should consider means of transportation, and you need to research about all the transportation needs at tourist sites, even when arriving at the airport abroad of the city purposes.
3. Departure. With itinerary in hand, whether you're going to ride the train, learn the route, and view or learn the maps.
4. The use of GPS and the internet. You need to use when hiring a taxi, so the objectives that you want can be achieved and are not invited to spin without clear direction.
5. Lodging. Do not hesitate in this era of information technology today, you can use the Airbnb application in your smartphone and other apps that can facilitate the search for accommodation. There is an other applications, such as Coach Surfing that can save costs while at your destination tourist spot.
Well, now how about traveling in package tours?
1. The Trip. More systematically, all is compiled from travel tickets to the show while there.
2. The Tour Guide. Been provided with the same language with you, and facilitate the trip around.
3. Learn the itinerary. It is necessary to look at a given destination attractive or less attractive.
4. Transportation. Travel agencies have set up a more detailed terms, and even when you will be looking for a place to eat.
Eventually returned to the selection of yourself, or perhaps the visitors, as both have its own advantages.
You can be more relaxed when traveling alone, flexibility and design your own routes of travel; of course after doing a survey and ask other friends or other recommendations.
(Source Y Margaretta – Kompas Travel /Image M Paath Djojonegoro)
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