Free WiFi Throughout Europe by 2020
European Commission plans to deploy free WiFi throughout public spaces

Tourists hangout around the shops, Vienna
WiFi wireless connections in a tourist spot has become a basic need for almost all travelers in the world, if the connection is bad, believe me, just makes people feel depressed.
You already know if a WiFi connection has been the main instrument of daily life, ranging from about entertainment until the problems in the workplace.
Look at the panic faces when you're in a tourist spot, when the WiFi connection suddenly obstructed, as well as in case of area of tourism for anyone who does not understand how to handle technically.
Europe knows this has been the main thing for almost all human beings on earth, positive steps taken by the European Commission plans to deploy free WiFi throughout public spaces in Europe, they know this is very helpful to anyone. Although this plan requires the approval of the European Parliament and the Prime Minister of each country before it began.
Well, the tourists no longer need to buy a local SIM card to access the Internet, as presented in news sites Kompas Travel, President of the Executive Branch European Union, Jean-Claude Juncker presents budget of around 120 million euros to create a free WiFi throughout the park, public spaces, libraries and buildings.
He said this as the quote from the site, Travel and Leisure, "Everyone can take advantage of the free WiFi. So starting today, we (the European Union) began to spread free WiFi to remote villages in Europe so it will be completed in 2020."
It's great, isn’t it? Unexpected developments for anyone, especially for the newcomers in the European continent, especially the tourists, given the information technology equipment and products similar gadgets have become the consumer products that make it easy for anyone.
The need for an internet connection has been a key condition to make life easier, then who can resist?
We can see further, when the European Commission allocates costs to WiFi Router installation in various places, and of course the calculation included in the monthly fee and maintenance will be borne by the local government can be negotiated with the local government.
Pleasant news, of course! Life is getting easier to access the Internet, appropriate standards will be developed later, 5G networks throughout Europe in 2025.
(Source S Anindiati Nursastri – Kompas Travel, Travel and Leisure /Image W Sjahran)
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