Culinary hunting in many world airlines
In search of the Best Aircraft Food

Menu on the plane - Image credit Singapore Airlines
Nik Loukas has an interesting idea with a variety of experiences while riding the airline to various destination countries he wants, recounts a meal in the air.
You would often traveling by air, and a lot of considerations when choosing an airline, well ... What if the food on the plane to be one of the considerations?
It's interesting, is not it? Travelling through 65 airlines and 403 flights, as he does.
If you open a travel website or perhaps most often found on social media sites, there's always a friend who often, and then upload photos of the food on the plane carrying. Maybe he/she wants to reduce the tedium of the long journey and tiring flight.
This time Nik Loukas, who was born in Australia, living in Dublin, Ireland, working in the travel industry and aviation for over 15 years. Where he traveled differently, he hunt culinary in aircraft since 2012. Citing a lifestyle site, CNN Indonesia, wrote that Loukas already circled the globe 17 times with a trip along the 428 thousand miles.
He likes to eat, so do not be surprised if on the way to various places, with immigration stamps of 44 countries on his passport, can satisfy the desire to eat a variety of foods, and then write down his experiences in his personal blog site,
You will get a lot of interesting stories about what he eats in his plane, and in addition to the menu he also conveyed new things in the world of aviation.
Some interesting notes, for example, the food served at the Turkish Airlines, always delicious and plenty, which is supplied by Do & Co Catering, even for short distance flights, he wrote. Then he appreciates Singapore Airlines, "It was like eating at a private restaurant on the altitude of 35 thousand feet."
He really enjoyed the trip, the Singapore-Melbourne time with that airline, Loukas admitted served a lobster and caviar, and not just reserved for first class passengers only.
Another interesting note is the way in Japan, along with the budget airline of Osaka, the Peach, and also from a Turkish airline, Pegasus Airlines, he was very pleased with a treat for passengers, you want to know what it was?
Come on, soon to travel, immediately and Loukas says he got the special dish, sushi and steak with a good taste. It was great!
(Source Megiza - CNN Indonesia, CNN /Image Singapore Airlines)
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