'Mickey Mouse Man' Request Money from a Tourist
Men costumed Mickey Mouse fool a tourist who wants to take pictures with expensive rates

Times Square, New York - Image credit L Priyanti
Fraud in the tourist objects seem to look more and more frequent, so tourists are expected to have their own vigilance, given the ignorance can be exploited by certain parties. You can see a lot of facts that occurred when they were in the tourist area, say the tourists who do not know the situation, so they are a party that is susceptible to fraud.
Even scams can occur not only rife in Asia, or Europe, but also in the United States. Quoting from the site Travel and Leisure on Thursday, February 16, when a Mickey Mouse dressed as extortion of money a tourist who wants to take pictures with him.
The man, Lester Mengersen it everyday to work dressed as Disney characters in Times Square, New York, as reported on the CNN Indonesia sites, often styled a la Mickey Mouse and then offered to take pictures for anyone who passes in front of him.
He gave a rate of US $ 190 for a picture taken with him, and when he thinks deserve to be 'victims', last weekend, a tourist from Tennessee who were aged 21 years admitted that Mengersen give him a rate of US $ 310, which is billed via credit card.
Of course, the travelers felt unusual, this feels weird, he felt cheated, and a moment later he immediately complained to the New York police who happened to be patrolling.
Did not take long, Mengersen was soon secured.
A bad day for him, Monday, February 13, Mengersen charged with theft in small quantities. And, just believe what happened then, he must be present at the hearing premiere will be held on 10th April.

Advertising lights at Times Square - Image credit L Priyanti
So it goes, tourists visiting Times Square does have to give a tip if you want to take pictures with people wearing unique costumes. But preferably through a bargaining process that is carried out and payment must be made with cash.
Please note, a similar incident had occurred which 'involves' Minnie Mouse.
Approximately a similar incident last year, in the same area, people with Minnie Mouse costume "squeezing" of the tourists to leave a tip for US $ 20.
And, indeed should all be made clear, the transaction took place after all becomes clear. Win-win.
Source: A Mustafa - CNN Indonesia, Travel and Leisure
Image: L Priyanti - NY
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