Flock of Dolphins at Sea of Lovina
The seas around the beach of Lovina in Buleleng Bali

You want to see the charm of dolphins in the sea north of the island of Bali, head to the Buleleng region, or rather, the Lovina Beach.
It is not easy to find a herd of dolphins are, unless you are already planning the right time, which is around dawn, the hour between the hours of 6:00 to 09:00 AM local time.

Dolphin charm has certainly been an attraction for tourists, not only from the local tourists, but has become a spectacle awaited by foreign tourists.

Citing articles in a tourist site, Kompas Travel, the fishermen have become a good guide for the tourists, "More often dolphins appeared mornings. So frequent guests (tourists) get up early and ride the boat to watch the dolphins," said Ketut Suarta, one of the boatmen, Saturday, April 25, 2015.
Excited cheers from a group of tourists, interspersed with complaints when the dolphin diving back into the sea, but most of the time flock of dolphins dancing around their boat, feels so familiar, they immediately set up the camera to get the best pictures.
(Source S Lestari - KompasTravel /Images L Pandjaitan)
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