Beckham in Hong Kong, Netizen ‘Disappointed’
Hong Kong netizens feel disappointed with the video uploads

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong - Image credit Hanna Yohana
World renowned celebrities such as David Beckham has always been in the news, they always observed in such a way, even to the smallest things, and will be missed by others, the news search will process them in such a way.
This time Beckham visits in Shanghai and Hong Kong, citing the site CNN Indonesia, today, get a portion of interesting news, especially its activity while uploading videos of the journey.
Beckham is present in order to promote the insurance company, but his activities gets a 'disappointed' response from the netizens.
The reaction from them, the netizens, citing the travel site Travel and Leisure on Wednesday, March 29, when he called the 'Hong Kong as China' in writing details of travel videos uploaded to social media sites Facebook.
I think netizens need to understand himself, Beckham did not do it on purpose, maybe he did not get the correct information, and many other reasons, he documented the journey for two days in Hong Kong.
He met with many communities, especially soccer communities, and do not forget to highlight the traffic rush there.
"The time of 48 hours which is very pleasant in China."
Well, here it is!
Mixed reactions from netizens when they upload comments on these social media sites, netizens were disappointed.
He uploaded videos deemed not appreciate Hong Kong, they the netizens upload on their account status by describing the many differences between Hong Kong and China.

Victoria Park, Hong Kong - Image credit Hanna Yohana

Fortress Hill North Point, Hong Kong - Image credit Hanna Yohana
As was later delivered by a netizen in the latest status updates, they explained the differences between Hong Kong and China.
"This is Hong Kong, not China. Thank you for visiting us, David." And the status updates then get 'likes' were quite a lot of other netizens.
"We have self-government, its own currency, even their own football club!" Followed by other fellow netizen.
Beckham seems to realize there is 'disappointment' response of netizens, then he immediately changed the details of his video.
"A very pleasant 48 hours in Shanghai and Hong Kong."
Looks like the netizen is not too easy to 'forgive' him, maybe time will heal it.
Beckham might need to look for other references, in order to understand the fundamental difference between Hong Kong and China, and one thing is certain Hong Kong people are free to access the virtual world, such as Facebook and Twitter.
Source: Ardita Mustafa - CNN Indonesia, Travel and Leisure
Image: Hanna Yohana
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