Reduced, Summer Ticket Flights to Europe
Currently the price of tickets for flights headed to Europe quite affordable

Westminster, London - Image credit P Djayasupena
Ticket flights to Europe are getting down when entering the summer, so the news according to the booking accommodation site Kayak, and such a situation can not be missed by many world travelers, especially if you've been planning it for a long time.
It seems you can select Europe in the summer holidays this year, citing the site CNN Indonesia, March 22, and this is a very attractive tourist destination and worth consideration.
Moreover, according to Kayak, citing the site Travel and Leisure on Wednesday, March 22, has ensured that the prices of airline tickets to go home and go to Europe fell from the previous year.
True, there were several instances of terror that might create delays, but if you're a little careful, and believe in the security system of each country of destination in Europe, then nothing could deter travel there.
Blue continent which is the perfect combination of beautiful beaches, charming villages, historic towns and remarkable natural. Many interesting places in Europe, you will be confused to start. In fact, it was thought all along that travel to Europe is so expensive.
The good news for travelers, if you know the best times to visit, the months from January to May and August to November, the price of travel packages to Europe tend to be more affordable.
Selection of tourist attractions, tickets for flights to popular tourist destinations such as Paris, Rome, Barcelona, Madrid, Prague and Reykjavik fell as much as 20 to 30 per cent from the previous year.
According to them, prices of airline tickets from Zurich fell as much as 42 percent.
And do not hesitate to decide a trip, especially for low prices in early summer, the month of May.
As stated by the Kayak website, this is the best time to Europe, cheap and fun for tourists, even those with a serious offer of a package trip to London.
I think it will be better, despite the recent events which occurred on Wednesday, March 22 yesterday!
It turns out they are serious to London, for example options for the tourists, for the most cost-friendly among other European countries, because of its currency, the poundsterling, being weakened by the Brexit 'drama'.
Source: Ardita Mustafa - CNN Indonesia, Travel and Leisure
Image: P Djayasupena
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