No Leggings, United Airlines Viral on Social Media
Disallow two young girls boarded the plane, because they wear leggings

A woman wearing fully exposed leggings - Image credit PM800
Leggings do look attractive and sexy when worn by those who are young, and it would invite the attention of some people, of course. That's what they have in mind, and the response from netizens appeared varied in a series of tweets viral over the weekend.
You can imagine when on the way to a destination, either for any purpose, citing the site CNN Indonesia, March 28, even when you are traveling, then forbidden to board the plane because of the clothes you wear.
This time two teenage girls, citing the AP site, they are not allowed to pass through the gates of United Airlines flight departure from Denver toward Minneapolis, United States, on the last Sunday in relation to wear leggings.
Of course this event will make them disappointed, and their early morning flight is delayed, and a spokesman for the airline, Jonathan Guerin explains both use employee travel pass which require a certain dress code is a fixed policy in the airline.
You try to understand, as reviewed in site, March 29, especially netizens lively conversation in social media, the terms of "dress code" was outlined firmly that the user of employee travel pass is not allowed to wear clothing made of spandex or lycra, including leggings.
The young girls who seemed cooperative, they try to understand quickly, "All right, then!"
They agreed to change clothes and take a flight in another hour schedule.
But. You know by the reaction of netizens, they seemed to not want to quit, many questions from users of social media, Twitter.
Let's say a user, Shannon Watts of Denver in uploads on her Twitter account claiming to be a witness to the incident that Sunday morning, she was surprised by the attitude and the United decision as if acting as a "police" clothes monitors.

Woman wearing white leggings with a floral design - Image credit Pei Hua Yeap
She was sure that if the parents of the young girls, did not mind their child to travel with that clothes.
Reasonable disappointment of some users on social media sites, they considered the measures taken United laden with sexist issue.
However, Guerin of the airline did not give up and stay confident.
"We will be asking the same thing to other users who use the cards fitted flip-flops or use clothing or jeans were tattered and torn."
Source: Kompas, CNN Indonesia, Reuters, AP
Image: Wikipedia
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