Vodka with 81 Percent Alcohol Recalled in Canada
654 Vodka bottles were recalled by the Canadian authorities

A glass of liquor - Image credit Guinnog
The alcohol content in vodka is not always in question for those who love liquor, the drink is known as a high alcoholic beverages belonging to the spirit usually made from starch or sugar refining of grains (rye, wheat, corn) and potatoes.
Liked this drink will feel the benefits as long as not too much, of course, given the excessive consumption may lead to organic mental disorder, they, the researchers say this is some kind of disturbance in the mindset of feeling, and behavior so that consciousness is not controlled or drunk.
Canadian authorities feel the need to conduct regular inspections of the various types of drink that circulate in their country, citing the site CNN Indonesia, March 5, and immediately attracted as many as 654 bottles of Vodka which merely has an alcohol content reaches 81 percent on last Friday, March 3.
Certainly surprising from various sides, given the alcohol content listed on the bottle label does not indicate suitability, carrying the alcohol content reaches 81 percent.
As is widely known by the public, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Vodka with levels of 81 percent on the market before the local authorities set a limit of 40 per cent alcohol content for a single bottle.
As reported officially by the authorities as quoted by AFP.
"As a result, 654 of the bottles still contain 81 percent alcohol content."
Of the steps taken by the Canadian authorities based on the acts of anticipation, though until now, as submitted by the Examining Food Canada, there has been no reports of side effects or ill effects of the high alcohol content beverages.
But it has the support of the board in charge of controlling the content and distribution of liquor in Ontario, LCBO, because basically vodka alcohol content of 81 percent was not safe for consumption.
"The alcohol content of up to 80 percent can cause serious disease that attacks the body's organs," said a statement from the LCBO.
Even then they add that the community should be like this type of beverage consumers can instantly restore the drink and replace it with money.
Whatever it is that has occurred, the drink, not the first of its kind in Canada. Previously in 2011 and 2015 have been found broken glass in a number of bottles in circulation.
Source: G Safira Taylor - CNN Indonesia, AFP
Image: Guinnog via Wikipedia
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