Vacancies Become Room Stylists of Buckingham Palace
Vacancy explained that "Queen Elizabeth room looking for stylists who know about curtains and cushions"

Travelers gathered around the Buckingham Palace, London - Image credit W Sjahran
The official website of the British Empire these days shows that might be of interest, for anyone who is looking for a job vacancy. However, the specific type of job it is to become a room stylist of Buckingham Palace.
As travelers who had been around the palace, when they pay a visit to the United Kingdom, this job vacancies will have an interesting and special meaning.
True, if the vacancy can be obtained from any source, such as the site for reviews on CNN Indonesia, March 30, but you learn from these sites, demand for skilled workers explained, that "Queen Elizabeth looking for a stylist who understands the room curtains and cushion".
You know when this work seem so easy, as other reviews written on the site Travel and Leisure, but work is very challenging, because of the need to beautify the room arranger of 1,000 rooms there.
Try you read further information on the official website of the British Empire, as they were given the task will arrange the important room.
"Stylists room will be responsible for managing the home of the most famous in the world, including arranging the room at Windsor Castle and St. James's Palace."
Regardless of jobs offered openly, and certainly not to the arbitrary, minimum potential applicants have had experience arranging the room and could use a sewing by hand or machine with a salary of USD 27.348 per year along with other benefits.
A person who is later elected, given the task of decorating the room, then he/she was asked to pay attention to things of the old fashioned decor of the old palace known to have been founded 314 years ago.
And, of course broken curtains or cushions, then the stylist room should be able to fix it.
An expert will find a job in the Buckingham Palace, a prime location in the city center in the area of Westminster, London. Although temporarily closed due to the events of the terror attack that occurred last week, but never lost the charm of the region.
Interesting jobs for those who are lucky, may also one day be able to meet privately with the Queen of England, and then be able to see for the presence of about 500 thousands of tourists every year.
Source: Ardita Mustafa - CNN Indonesia, Travel and Leisure
Image: W Sjahran
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