Leonardo DiCaprio Invest in 'LoveTheWild'
A company that sells frozen seafood from their ranch itself

DiCaprio at the London premiere, "The Wolf of Wall Street" 2014 - Image credit See Li
Many types of frozen seafood sold by various companies today, which is generally preferred by many people of various age levels, ranging from product nuggets, sausages, dumplings, risoles, frozen donuts, and many other variants.
Alignment between the trend in environmental issues, Leonardo DiCaprio is known as an environmental activist, in addition to previous activities in the field of film art and a variety of activities related to performing arts.
He decided to invest in the company "LoveTheWild" which produces frozen seafood.
Despite many of his colleagues from the Hollywood neighborhood also pay attention to environmental issues, citing the site detikFood, March 11, Leonardo DiCaprio, 42 years, in one of the activities to make a documentary film about climate change entitled "Before the Flood."
As written on the site People, March 7, the decision to invest in sustainable food company that sells frozen seafood from the results of their own ranch, based on Leo advocacy of environmental issues.
"Estimates indicate Earth's population approaching 9 billion by 2050. This gave great pressure on natural food sources," he said.
He added, seafood is a major source of protein for nearly 1 billion people in the world.
"But climate change, acidification and excessive fishing, increasing the pressure on the natural stability of our seas."
True there are concerns about the decline of seafood in the open sea. "LoveTheWild" using only fish species that are farmed sustainably, for example striped bass fish, barramundi, catfish, and trout.
He cares about the environment issues, and through additional statements describe clearly.
"The exploitation of our oceans has been made of marine ecosystems are on the verge of collapse. It is difficult for us to rely on the sea as a food source reliable, considering we still have thousands of years into the future."
Hope can be realized, so he is expecting more real through action, through the "LoveTheWild."
Although it is still a debate between the capture of wild seafood that are taken at sea (eg fishing salmon) with seafood farmed environmentally friendly.
They look from the content of nutrients and impact on the environment.
Source: Andi A Dwi Rahmawati - detikFood, People
Image: See Li via Wikipedia
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