Collaboration of Budweiser Beer with Cheese
The new menu is the result of cooperation from Burger King and Taco Bell

Cheese Burger - Illustration
Alcoholic beverages with a dish of cheese is a blend that makes you a little to ask, what is this? They are the managers of fast-food restaurant has many ways to attract new customers as well as those already familiar with their previous creations.
A nice day on the weekend, you can move around a bit to find different things, maybe a new dish can create a surprise.
You can find a cool place, Carl's Jr restaurant. located in Los Angeles, California, and will make feel more comfortable with their offerings, "Budweiser Beer Cheese Burger" and "Bacon Beer Cheese Fries."
Then, this new menu? The creators at the kitchen, the creator of a new type of food, the chef has something they want, citing a lifestyle site, CNN Indonesia, Carl's Jr. together with a network of fast food in the same group with the parent company, Hardee's, and then hook the favorite beer of Americans, Budweiser, to enter as one of the ingredients of their latest menu.
Their customers around the region recognize there is something new, according to FoxNews article on the site, they visited the restaurant, immediately knew, the dishes are served with a sauce that has been mixed with beer.
No need to wonder, all food products are launched always got appreciation of customers, due to the guarantee of two famous food brands that are known to create a new experiment, Burger King and Taco Bell.
The new menu offerings always received special attention from customers, such reviews on the site, beer-cheese sauce Carl's Jr. made with cheddar cheese and a smear of lager beer of Budweiser. They say it's different, burger consisting of bacon, onions that have been made just like caramel, lettuce, tomato and Swiss cheese that will not make the customers who eat it will feel drunk.
The new menu is tempting, because a lot of ways to enjoy it, the cheese sauce-made beer from Carl's Jr. can also be served over fries were then sprinkled with chopped bacon. Maybe you want to try it.
Source: Megiza - CNN Indonesia, FoxNews
Image: L Priyanti - NY
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