23 Baby Panda "Looks Dashing" in the Face of the Tourist
Chengdu Research Base of conservation areas managed to give birth to 23 baby Panda

Lightmatter Panda – Credit Aaron Logan
Panda is a specific animal in mainland China the country that is not familiar with the unique characteristics of the colored circles round the eye area, the appearance of the body are cute and adorable for most people who see them.
Many other unique things you can look at themselves and their habits, such as its love of the food was great on bamboo, it requires at least more than ten kilograms less twigs of bamboo every day.
But on the one hand there are concerns about these unique animals, are likely to be in danger of extinction or using terms from agencies International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), or are in a state endangered species.
Environmental activists in China would feel cared and worked hard to save the animals that become icons of their country, through the agency Chengdu Research Base, they are using all efforts on the conservation area and managed to give birth to 23 baby Pandas, two times more than last year.
Status was soon changed, has moved from endangered status to the new status, vulnerable. Of course there is increasing towards better and they will continue to better improve.
The news from the media on the sites Time.com, Monday, October 3, 2016, 23 baby pandas is intentionally collected and exhibited to tourists at the last September 29th.
You would expect it later, when the tourists will be cheering, they were excited to see the cute and adorable Panda babies. They were aged one to four months, each rolling on the ground paved with green cloth, in such a way, a rather large panda at the rear and a small panda on the front.
Panda babies looked so funny, jokes and indifferent to the presence of tourists, but the tourists who flock to be there so excited. It is appropriate they are happy, aren’t you?
Source: S Anindiati Nursastri - KompasTravel, Time.com
Image: Aaron Logan via Wikipedia
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