Why Tourists from the United States reluctant to Indonesia?
They tend to go to Japan, Australia, and Europe

Raja Ampat, West Papua
Barbara Russell was a professor of humanities at the University of Maryland in the United States, once wrote in a mass media, The Jakarta Post, some time ago, to mention only a few American tourists visiting Indonesia.
A comprehensive description, citing travel sites KompasTravel, American tourists who come to Indonesia generally focus only been to Bali, and they know Bali as a country shaped tropical island and in the Pacific region.
They do not know that Bali is part of Indonesia, a country of islands with palm trees whose leaves waving from the shore beaches.
Barbara Russell gives historical reasons and it can be understood, and the relation with the immigrants from Japan, and China of a long era of the history of the United States.
Well, next time there is another view of an observer of tourism from Bali, Ida Bagus Surakusuma with a more personal view, related to the readiness of Indonesia itself while accepting the presence of tourists from Uncle Sam's land.
Was submitted in subtitles at the top, following the articles of the site, that Gus Lolec, nickname of Ida Bagus Surakusuma, said American tourists tend to prefer to go to Japan, Australia, and Europe.
Foreign tourists, especially from the United States have a specific concern, for example, to security, and regularity.
In his explanation, he said, needs to give an idea of Indonesia is a peaceful country, and emphasized this understanding along with the promotions of tourist destinations owned by Indonesia.

Komodo dragon, Komodo Island
"Because they want to take home memories of Indonesia. All possibilities exist all attractions in Indonesia. Are like seeing tigers, rhinos, orang utan. It's all like a gift from us as a feature in tourist destinations."
I thought this was an interesting article written on the site, review of how to attract the presence of tourists from the country, promote and demonstrate features of travel, to make them come to a tourist destination country, which is located in a fairly remote spot.
A good view of Gus Lolec, he said that the US rating is rating very discipline in every way. They are sensitive to cleanliness, garbage, irregularity in tourist destinations, and are critical in asking.
Ultimately it will appear in all the efforts and hard work of the Indonesian government, especially the Ministry of Tourism, in the United States in order to convince tourists interested in buying the tour packages offered.
Source: W Adityo Prodjo - KompasTravel
Image: Susetyohadi Utomo, Setiadi Darmawan
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