Choosing a Seat Close to Window or Aisle?
While at the check-in counter it is always a choice of passengers

Airport Check-in, Bangkok
Check-in counters are parts or stages you have to go through at the time of going to boarding an aircraft, you will be asked a few things related to the completeness of the tickets, luggage and of course seating will be selected. Although we also often find seating predetermined by the counter clerk, unless you request it from the beginning.
This stage will indeed determine the time you've been in the aircraft cabin space, the selection of a seat on the plane, select the aisle seat or a window?
Say you've often felt the difference, so then choose to sit in the aisle seat. You will say, "To be more flexible if you want to the toilet!"
Answers like this are common for the person who frequently move, and the body is not too tired, so want to move, either to the toilet or anywhere in the cabin while waiting for the plane landed.
This situation may be different again for others, or do you immediately know who, for example, children passengers who tend to want to sit near the window of the plane. "We want to see the clouds," For sure!
You know when a flurry of passengers who travel frequently, they are aware of why an air passenger, for example, prefer to sit in the aisle is more practical.
Citing articles on the sites KompasTravel, choice of seats on the plane between the window or aisle vary everyone. However, one thing that many people agreed, no one wants to sit in the middle. Moreover, if traveling alone, it means that if you miss sitting in the middle, you have to "compete" with the elbows and knees of two strangers.
Children passengers does have its own character, was quoted by The Economist, children are generally happy in the window. However, increasing a person's age, the tendency would prefer to sit in the aisle.
You can also find out, play a role in someone's imagination and spirit of adventure, as written in the article, people who have been a couple of times a plane but is equally happy on the sensation of flying. They did enjoy the thrill of taking off and landing, the clouds in altitude, up fascinated with the land down there.
Well, no wonder when children passengers will largely be happy with a seat near the window, is a pleasant experience and something new sensation.
And the opposite applies to passengers or people of particular frequent travelers, who liked a practical matter, you can stretch your legs, walk to the toilet, taking bags and luggage, and straight off the plane shortly arrive.
Source: KompasTravel, The Economist
Image: Garuda Indonesia
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